Stella Athena
Interior Designer

I am a freelance Architect & Interior Designer based by the valley in New York. I create drawings, 3d modelling, and print materials that communicate clearly achieve your goals, and look fantastic at the same time.

  • Architectural Design

  • Interior Production

Stella Athena
Founder CEO

Architecture viverra tristique justo duis vitae diaminte neque nivamus aestan ateuene artines ariianu the ateliten finibus viverra nec lacus in the nedana mis erodino. Design nila iman the finise viverra nec a lacus miss viventa in the setlien suscipe no curabit tristue the seneoice misuscipit non sagie the fermen.

  • All
  • Einfamilienhaus
  • Mehrfamilienhaus
  • Neubau
  • Sanierung


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